Wood pellet is a biomass with a cylindrical form with diameter of 6 mm (pellet for domestic use) or 8 mm (pellet for industrial use), coming from dried, crumbled and pressed wood. This product is burned in specific stoves and its calorific value is twice than the value produced by the same volume of wood.



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At the moment we have one product:

PREMIUM QUALITY: pellet made by 80% of fir tree and 20% of broad-leaved tree; it has a light brown color and, thanks to its registration at DIN PLUS and EN PLUS A1 brand and to its ash content lower than 0,5%, it can be considered as a high-level quality product.

T&T PREMIUM pellet is a synonym of quality and reliability constant in time: it is made from virgin raw material and not from production scraps or old furniture.

Trunks come from forests belonging to the producer and bark is removed from the trees by last generation Canadian machineries.
